Date of publication:

26 Jan. 24

The future of marketing: how AI is changing the game

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the most discussed and hot topics in the business world. Various industries have already started implementing it into their processes, and marketing is no exception. AI is bringing new opportunities and changing traditional approaches to marketing.

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the most discussed and relevant topics in the business world. Various industries have already begun to integrate it into their processes, and marketing is no exception. AI brings new opportunities and changes traditional approaches to marketing.

What is artificial intelligence in marketing?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of systems and programmes that can simulate and perform tasks that require human intellectual abilities. It encompasses various methods and technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing.

Artificial intelligence in marketing allows you to create personalised approaches to users. It is capable of collecting and analysing large amounts of customer data, and using this information to create unique customer profiles. This allows companies to offer personalised products and services, as well as customise marketing campaigns for each individual user.

Artificial intelligence can also automate routine tasks and processes in marketing. Machine learning algorithms can perform tasks such as audience segmentation, sending personalised messages, analysing campaign performance, and other routine tasks, freeing up marketers’ time for more strategic tasks.

Expectations and reality of AI application in marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that promises to change the world of marketing. Expectations for AI in marketing are huge: from personalisation and process automation to improved user experience. However, the reality is that AI in marketing has its challenges and limitations.

Expectations: Personalisation on a new level.
Reality: While AI can help create personalised approaches, a fully automated ideal level of personalisation can be difficult to achieve. The challenge lies in collecting, processing and analysing vast amounts of data, and ensuring that this data is interpreted and used correctly.

Expectations: Automation of routine tasks.
Reality: AI can indeed automate routine tasks in marketing, such as sending messages or analysing data. However, full marketing automation can be challenging due to the complexity and variability of consumer behaviour and market demands. Automated systems need to be carefully configured and monitored to ensure that they meet the strategic goals of the business.

Expectations: More accurate forecasts and predictions.
Reality: AI has the potential to create forecasts and predictions based on information analysis. However, the accuracy of forecasts may depend on the available information, the quality of the algorithms, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions. It is also necessary to take into account factors that may affect the results but are not captured in the data, such as political or economic events.

  How AI is revolutionizing business

Expectations: More effective interaction with users.
Reality: AI can significantly improve the customer experience through chatbots, personalised recommendations and other tools. However, it’s important to remember that customers still value human communication and a personalised approach. The use of AI should be balanced so as not to lose the human aspect of interaction.

Expectations: Content creation with the help of AI.
Reality: AI can be a useful tool in content creation, but it cannot replace creativity and human input. AI can help with automated content creation, but the final quality and effectiveness will always depend on the skills of marketers and the content team.

What capabilities are needed for digital marketing, but are not yet available in artificial intelligence

Digital marketing in AI has great potential, but there are several opportunities that do not yet exist or need to be further developed.

  • Deep understanding of emotions and moods. While AI can analyse information and predict customer behaviour, it is not yet able to fully recognise and understand customer emotions and moods. The development of more accurate and efficient algorithms that can analyse emotional signals will help to better tailor marketing strategies to individual customer needs.
  • Intuitive and creative abilities. AI currently lacks intuition and creative thinking, which are key aspects of digital marketing. The ability to generate new ideas, develop unique marketing concepts, and make creative decisions is still in the realm of human experience and expertise.
  • Ethics and data privacy. The use of AI in digital marketing also raises ethical and data protection issues. We need reliable mechanisms and rules to ensure that customer data is used in accordance with their consent and security. The development of ethical standards and frameworks for the use of AI in marketing will be essential for trust and success.
  • Integration with other channels and technologies. In digital marketing, there are many channels and technologies that need to be integrated and synchronised to achieve the full potential of AI. For example, integrating AI with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), and voice assistants can create a deeper and more connected marketing experience.
  • Adapting to a rapidly changing technological environment. Digital marketing and AI are evolving with a rapidly changing technological environment. It is necessary to be ready to constantly update and adapt in order to use new tools and technologies that emerge. Businesses and marketers need to be flexible and ready to change in order to take advantage of all the opportunities that will arise in the future.
  How AI is revolutionizing business

Why not all companies in Ukraine are ready to use AI services

In Ukraine, as in other countries, not all companies are ready to use artificial intelligence (AI) services for several reasons:

Awareness and education: Some companies may not be sufficiently informed about the capabilities and benefits of AI. Their lack of understanding of how AI can help in their specific business area may be the reason why they are not ready to use it. This is due to the need for AI education and awareness.

Financial constraints: Implementing AI requires financial resources for development, acquisition of specialised hardware and software, and staff training. Some companies may not be ready or have sufficient financial resources to invest in AI.

Lack of specialists: In Ukraine, as in many other countries, there is a shortage of qualified AI specialists. Not all companies can find and engage experts capable of developing and implementing AI solutions, which may complicate the decision-making process for AI adoption.

Fear of change and risks: Implementing AI may require changes in business processes and culture. Some businesses may be afraid of the changes and risks associated with adopting new technologies. They may fear that AI adoption may be complex and require re-engineering of internal processes, making it difficult to adopt.

Legal and ethical issues: The use of AI also raises legal and ethical issues related to data protection and privacy, especially when dealing with customers’ personal data. Some companies may not be prepared to address these issues or to comply with legal requirements for the use of AI.

In general, the reasons why not all companies in Ukraine are ready to use AI services are related to a lack of awareness, financial constraints, lack of qualified specialists, fear of change and risks, as well as legal and ethical issues.

It is important to note that well-designed AI systems can support and enhance the abilities of human marketing professionals by automating routine tasks, processing large amounts of data, and providing decision-making insights. Ultimately, the combination of the unique abilities of a human expert and the powerful capabilities of AI can lead to the best marketing results.

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